Monday, December 14, 2009

The Start

There are slogans everywhere for people who are really good, fit, knowledgeable runners. Some say things such as "my lunch hours aren't for eating, my Saturday mornings aren't for sleeping, and my holidays aren't for taking it easy...I AM A RUNNER." To this I said, "Man, I must not be a runner." I don't have long legs, I don't wake up wanting to go for a 9 mile run, and I would prefer to eat frosting off cookies on the holidays then run a 5K. I am not a runner. However, I do believe in some slogans such as, "You can do anything you put your mind to." This is a blog about me putting my mind to something (The Boston Marathon 2010) and doing it. It won't be fast or pretty but it will be done.

Ultimately, I am writing this blog for myself; To be able to look back and remember something I worked really hard on and (hopefully) will finish. In my line of work (Social Work), I see so many people who have a whole lot of nothing or feel like nothing turn into a really, extraordinary somebody and something. So, this isn't only a blog about my attempt at completing a marathon, it is also a blog to inspire others to do something and be somebody.

I have one more week before I start my training regime. I guess I better go polish off those cookies....

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