Thursday, December 24, 2009

"I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes...."

I loooove that song by Billy Mack and I love the movie it's featured in, Love Actually. Kinda funny that I decide to put those lyrics up today though seeing that last night when I went for a 5 mile hilly run in 11 degree weather, I'm pretty sure every part of my body had no feeling (i.e completely numb) and I was debating on if my ears were going to fall off. It made me realize I need some winter running gear. I wonder if Santa felt my pain b/c as soon as I returned home, my good friend Garvo stopped by and gave me a Christmas present that included running gloves and a hooded running jacket. I'm so glad I won't be earless come the marathon! {Thanks bud!}

"Christmas is all around me and so the feeling grows." This part of the song rings true as well. I can always tell when it's Christmas time at work because the waiting room is out of control with people in great need. I can always tell it's Christmas in Boston because, besides being frigid, the streets are decorated with lights, there are wreaths on doors, peppermint lattes, Christmas carols are on repeat every place I go and people are bundled up so much, it's hard to decipher if they're even human. This Christmas is a little different for me b/c I'm staying in Boston instead of going home to Buffalo. It was a bit hard and sad for me for a while but I'm beginning to realize that as I grow older, things change in life whether it be relationships, goals, hobbies or traditions. "Growing up" or being an adult sometimes means compromising, sacrificing, and accepting that some changes are inevitable. Some of these changes, for me, can be hard but I have come to accept and actually embrace them. This Christmas I might not be with my family but I will still be around so many people that are near and dear to me who make my life better just by being part of it. That, in itself, is a reason to be thankful and happy.

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas, a cozy Christmas, and a  "feel it in your finger and toes" Christmas.


  1. I have officially started my 10K training. I am runnin g the Groton Road Race on April 22nd. I feel somewhat imasculated compared to your marathon training.


  2. And I know there are spelling mistakes above, but I don't care.

  3. Barry, you rock a speedo. If you can rock a speedo, you can do anything. ;)
