Monday, March 15, 2010

Tylenol and Tennis Balls

Some of you have asked how I'm doing after my not-so-hot run on Saturday. I've done some research online and have asked some "experts" like Vicky, Ruben and others who have trained for the marathon regarding my pain/injury. I'm assuming it's something like an IT band injury or something that has to do with my sciatic nerve. Whatever it is, it looks like I'll be doing a lot of light cardio this week (yoga, biking), doing some tennis ball massage (just bought a 4 pack!), using a heat pack (first ice, then heat according to the nurse at my job) and taking some Tylenol to reduce pain. We'll see if all of this works when I go for my long run this weekend. This time, I'm bringing some phone numbers and money for a cab. Let's hope I won't need to use either! :)


  1. The Groovers can supply Oxycontin at reasonable prices if Aleve or Tylenol doesn't work :)

  2. I have a stash from past wisdom teeth removal and kidney infections. If I use them, however, I might fall asleep at mile 1. :)
