Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Warm Fuzzies

About a week ago I had a friend email me and tell me I was the inspiration that kept her going during her cold winter run that morning. She said, "I usually give up but then I thought of you and just wanted to say thanks." Then, today, I read a friend's blog about sports "moments" (http://cleggthis.blogspot.com/2010/02/sports.html) and, in it, he gave me a "shout out" that both inspired me and reminded me why I ever chose to run this marathon in the first place. Remember in Kindergarten when your teacher used to tell you saying unkind things were "cold pricklys" and saying kind things were "warm fuzzies?" Well, golly gee, I feel pretty warm and fuzzy right about now. So much so that I just wrote "golly gee."
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to Meg and Barry for those things. It's because of people like you that I keep going. Your kind words have also inspired me to do a different type of "shout out" (since all of my fundraising is done); the "Warm-n- Fuzzy Shout Out." In the cold, cold winter weather, everyone can use a little warming up!

Here's a few to start with: Warm fuzzies to the 12 people who read my blog! Woo-hoo, I'm famous!  Warm fuzzies sent out to my mom and dad who have always been there to cheer me on in the "race of life." And a shout out to everyone out there who thinks they can't do something but they try it anyway. "Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try." Go get 'em tigers!

Hugs to all of you!


  1. I am not a runner, either, and I am working towards a triathlon and a marathon. I'm so glad I read this, because it just inspired me to make sure I work out today. Thanks.

  2. here is one for you:

    Girl's mom passes away, goes onto to skate flawless performance...tear...
