Saturday, February 6, 2010

All you single runners, put your hands up!

That's my version of Beyonce's "single ladies" song. I may not be single, but I usually am in the running world. Today proved to me why it's way better to run with someone rather then by yourself when training for a marathon. Training for a marathon is like having a second job. You have a schedule, you have to "show up" and the more effort put into it, the more you reap the rewards. Working with someone often makes the time go faster as well and more enjoyable. Today, I ran my first long run with a partner. John, a friend I met at work, is running the marathon with me for the same charity. He's probably one of the nicest guys I know but I was a bit nervous to run with him because I feel like guys, in general, are just faster runners. I didn't want to hold him back and I also didn't want to injure myself by trying to keep up with him due to my redonculously large competitive nature. However, running with John was great. We talked...yes, talked!, for at least 10 miles of the run and I only used my ipod for about 4 miles of the run. For those of you who know me, that is unheard of. We did a loop that involved some big hills right around "it's starting to hurt time" and it was so nice to have him push me and say, "you can do it, almost there!" and get a high five at the end. It was enjoyable (until the pain, of course), social and we pushed ourselves hard that our 15 mile run turned into a 16.6 mile run (2:25:11). So high five to us and thank God we don't have to do it again til next weekend! :)

Afterwards, we both smelled, had leg cramps the size of Alaska and I had to get a ride home from him (and his awesome bulldog) because I was too sore to walk. However, accomplishing 16.6 miles, having his encouragement (and funny stories along the way) and knowing I could have probably run a little more (if I had to) all made this run, once again, remind me that I can accomplish this goal.

I'm heading out tonight for a chick flick with Bones and a beer with Ben for his birthday (sorry Barry, I deserve one, don't I?!) and I look forward to an easy day of yoga, a hot tub and coming up with plans on how I can kidnap John's dog tomorrow.

It hurts to type so, peace out folks.

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