Sunday, April 18, 2010

And Away We Go....

A lot of things make me happy. A sunset makes me happy. The numerous pictures of squirrels my grandmother sends me makes me happy. Sitting on the wall at Snyder Beach makes me happy. Hearing my brother's voice on the phone makes me happy. Getting flowers for no reason makes me happy. Eating chocolate birthday cake made by Sprinkles makes me happy. Taking Dunkin and Osi for walks makes me happy. Finding jeans that fit like a glove makes me happy. 

There are so many things that make me happy. But, what I've come to realize, especially in the last few years, is the one thing that makes me happiest in life is relationships-Really, great, genuine relationships. I knew training for the marathon would teach me a lot about myself and challenge me in so many different ways. And, although I know the people in my life are supportive, I couldn't ever imagine the support I would get during this past 4 months. In a sense, I thought I would be doing this for myself, alone, and not really needing the support of others. I mean, c'mon, running a bazilion miles a week isn't a group activity. But, as soon as I said I was going to run the marathon and as soon as I made my fundraising facebook page, I was in disbelief at how supportive people became and how gracious they were in lifting me up when I was down, donating to my cause and sharing words of encouragement and inspiration that I needed many, many, MANY times. 

I remember one time coming back from a really crappy run and my roommate getting me water, sitting on the couch with me and making me pasta. That might have seem like a very "little" something to her but it really meant a lot to me. Yes, she might have thought I was "bat shit crazy" to do this but she has never once doubted that I could. In fact, I don't EVER think anyone ever told me I couldn't do this. My family, my friends, my coworkers...they believed in me.

So, tomorrow, April 19th 2010, I run for many people. I run for my friend Olivia, who lost her battle to cancer this year. I run for my clients, whose resilience inspires me every day.  I run for my big brother who has been sober for one year, I run for Janet Bonner who just celebrated her 5 year anniversary in remission from breast cancer. I run for all of those who wish they could but can't. And I run for those who don't think they can but are trying anyhow.

Thank you to my mom and my dad for driving from Buffalo to Boston to see me run; you have always been by my side. Thank you Shen family for making me feel like part of the "clan" and being so supportive. Thank you to my friends who put up with my craziness and love me just the same. Thank you Shen Shuttle for being the best thing that every happened to me. Thank you to all of you who sent me inspiring quotes, emails, facebook messages, texts and cards. It seems they all came at exactly the right time, like magic. Thank you, all of you, for being there for me, for rooting me on and for making my heart so full. I WILL cross the finish line thinking of you.


  1. Honey--YOU DID IT! Nothing made me more proud than to see you run up that hill on mile 18 with your beautiful blue shirt and that huge smile on your face. You were laughing, breathing, and loving life! You looked like a million bucks. I am so proud of you but most of all, so proud to call you my friend. With lots of love to you today and always---as I said earlier, Rest easy tonight, dear friend. You have just completed a (26.2) milestone. love you!

  2. 1 marathon successfully down. How many more to go? Awesome job today. I wish I had been able to see you in person...Knew you could do it. Must've been that hill in VT :)
