Thursday, January 14, 2010


This week has been frustrating. I've had kind of a crappy personal/professional week and, to top it off, my trainer totally tore me a new one. Well, not really, but I took it that way. I see a trainer at my gym at least once a week for some core training and drills. He's great and I feel like he's super motivating even if he is only 21 years old and is constantly telling me he'd like to make sweet love to me (don't worry, he's just being a tool). He also calls me "The Beast" and "Quadzilla." I don't mind the nicknames b/c I realize I'm never gonna be long and lean and super skinny. So, being strong (I think), is a good thing. Anyway, so this week he took my measurements and proceeded to tell me I need to lose body fat and that my calves were bigger then man-calves.  Seriously? For some reason, I thought I would hear better news then that after all the training I've been doing. Mancalves are never good news...unless you're a man.

I usually like to take "bad" weeks and try to learn something from them. From this week, I'm trying out the mantra "Don't sweat the small stuff" and trying to remind myself that it's okay to fail or to feel down and long as I get back up. Every day is a new day and a new beginning.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Shout outs to all those who have family in Haiti. Sending thoughts and prayers your way. And a shout out to MLK Jr for never losing hope or courage and for always having a dream.


  1. calves. Well, it is probably better than man hands.

    Keep rockin'

  2. I'll trade my man hands for your man calves, trish.

  3. My calves are as big as Justin's "chubby kid" calves. Are you sure about that??

  4. "I stand in awe of my body"- Thoreau.
    Learn it, live it, love it.
