Saturday, January 2, 2010

"Excuse me Miss, you have icicles on your eyebrows."

I refuse to run my long runs on the treadmill. So, this morning, I wasn't going to let the snow 'storm' stop me. It's the first time I attempted a long run in this kind of weather but I thought, "it can't be that hard to run when it's snowing can it?" I wouldn't say it was hard but I did learn a few things (clearly I love lists)....

1) Running spandex are NOT cute. I finally bit the bullet and bought some (thanks ma and pa metz!) but it was not pretty. I'm pretty sure spandex are just meant for women who have 0% body fat (i.e. not me). However, those pants kept me so warm today and, as weird as it seems, I felt like I was lighter with them on. So, its inevitable that snow storm running=spandex pants on Tricia. This ain't no beauty contest. ;)

2) Vehicles do not give two shits about runners. When running today, I'm pretty sure a bus driver intentionally tried to hit me. I coulda made out with that bus it was close to me on the road. Since running on the sidewalk was not always an option, I tried to run against the traffic so that I could see the cars. Each car that drove by me didn't try to avoid me at all and then a consistent "SPLASH" and muddy, sloppy, goop was all over my pants, shirt, face, you name it. I need a shield and some armor if I'm gonna be fighting against these vehicles.

3) Running in a snow storm means running with limited vision. I either choose to look down so I don't slip or look forward so I don't run into trees. If I choose to look forward, I am also blinded by snow in my eyes. Do "real" runners wear goggles or something? I'm not about to be wearing spandex and goggles. Guess I'm just gonna take my chances and make like a polar bear (roar).

4) I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT, go anywhere in public after my run. After my run, I decided to stop in the grocery store since it was on my route back. It took some balls to go in a public wearing spandex but I thought "whatever, I'm sure 1/2 the world is still sleeping anyway." As I went in, I noticed I got some stares but figured it was because I had "tomato face" and maybe b/c I smelled. Who knows, maybe they were staring because they thought I was "bad ass" for running in this weather. It wasn't until I got to the check out counter and the person helping me goes, "Excuse me Miss, you have icicles on your eyebrows." I looked at my reflection in the register and, she was right, I legit had white, snow eyebrows with icicles on the end. Note to self: if people are staring, it's because you look like a freak.

Needless to say, I felt good on my run. I ran a mile further then I had to and feel great so far. I'm hoping that feeling continues! Lastly, I'd like to give a shout out to some motivated peeps! Shout out to Courtney for signing up for a sprint triathlon, shout out to Patrick for training for the Hyannis Marathon and shout out to Barry for signing up for his first 10K! Kudos to ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Luckily I am not running my race until April I am hoping to by pass the icicle eyebrows and get outside later in the year. For now, I like the 62 degrees and sunny part of the treadmill workout.
