Saturday, January 9, 2010

Double Digits

First double digit run today. Here are some other numbers of the day..

10 miles
1 pack of lemon lime goo (my new fav, thanks Vicky!)
1/2 a water bottle
89 minutes and 13 seconds
3 hills
2 sore knees (R-I-C-E)
16 more miles I'll have to run on 4/19/10

And one "non-runner" feeling pretty good. My fancy water bottle belt my dad gave me came in handy (even if I looked like a tool) and the cold, yet sunny, day let me appreciate the winter time in Boston, once again.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend and a few more shout outs to those who donated this week! Thanks D-Brown, the Haddens, Jenny Dunne, Erica, Patrick, Meg, Dave Bonner and the Britts (Carolyn, Tom, Greggle and Ewood!) Special shout out to Vito for highest donation of the week! Love to you all. xo


  1. That's a great pace for your long run! It's a little faster than my pace run yesterday. I need to kick it up a notch.

  2. I have to admit it was an "easier" run b/c most of the middle part was flat. I also like the cold weather b/c I never get hot. Just remember Patrick, you kicked my ass in the 1/2! :)
