Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peace out 2009!

The New Year is just around the corner. I look back at this year and think, "Wow 2009, you were pretty freakin' great."  I have tons of memories from this year including good friends, goals accomplished and lots of laughs and love. There were some ups AND downs, of course, but each part taught me something about myself or life. Here are just a few examples:

1) Perseverance: After my good friend Garvey got in a car accident that could have taken his life, I remembered how important it is to tell those special people in my life that I love them, every day if I can. It taught me to not take for granted this life I've been given and to never give up. Garvey didn't. And, for that, I am grateful.

2) Love: I am blessed (every year) to have the people I do in my life; my friends and family who accept me unconditionally and appreciate me for who I am. This year, alongside those fabulous friends, came a pretty fantastic man I like to call Shen Shuttle. He has reminded me that part of true love is believing in your partner and being part of their "fan club" through the good and bad. So, not just this year, but every year, I learn the importance of friendships and human connections.

3) Forgiveness: My 2009 ended with a family trip to Arizona. It was a time to reconnect as a family in a way we have been unable to in the past. I got to spend time with my big brother (sober 9 months yesterday!) and, with that, came honest conversation, a lesson in forgiveness and a reminder of the struggles in life people often have to work so hard to overcome.

4) Acceptance: Lastly, as I completed my 1st half marathon this year, I have learned the incredible importance of health and self acceptance. Being healthy (physically and emotionally) is a life choice.  By training for and completing this last 1/2 marathon (and now training for the Boston Marathon), I am grateful for my health, my ability to challenge my body and mind and to put to use what God has given me. I will never be a bikini model and I might never have abs of steel but I can do what I put my mind to and I have learned to better accept my short legs, big forehead and my "junk in the trunk" more then I have ever before. Sure, looking like Jessica Biel would be THE BOMB, but I gotta work with what I got.

I would love to hear what you've learned this past year as well! I hope everyone had a fantastic 2009 and that 2010 brings you health, happiness, new beginnings and wonderful moments.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

"I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes...."

I loooove that song by Billy Mack and I love the movie it's featured in, Love Actually. Kinda funny that I decide to put those lyrics up today though seeing that last night when I went for a 5 mile hilly run in 11 degree weather, I'm pretty sure every part of my body had no feeling (i.e completely numb) and I was debating on if my ears were going to fall off. It made me realize I need some winter running gear. I wonder if Santa felt my pain b/c as soon as I returned home, my good friend Garvo stopped by and gave me a Christmas present that included running gloves and a hooded running jacket. I'm so glad I won't be earless come the marathon! {Thanks bud!}

"Christmas is all around me and so the feeling grows." This part of the song rings true as well. I can always tell when it's Christmas time at work because the waiting room is out of control with people in great need. I can always tell it's Christmas in Boston because, besides being frigid, the streets are decorated with lights, there are wreaths on doors, peppermint lattes, Christmas carols are on repeat every place I go and people are bundled up so much, it's hard to decipher if they're even human. This Christmas is a little different for me b/c I'm staying in Boston instead of going home to Buffalo. It was a bit hard and sad for me for a while but I'm beginning to realize that as I grow older, things change in life whether it be relationships, goals, hobbies or traditions. "Growing up" or being an adult sometimes means compromising, sacrificing, and accepting that some changes are inevitable. Some of these changes, for me, can be hard but I have come to accept and actually embrace them. This Christmas I might not be with my family but I will still be around so many people that are near and dear to me who make my life better just by being part of it. That, in itself, is a reason to be thankful and happy.

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas, a cozy Christmas, and a  "feel it in your finger and toes" Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tune of the week

Some people can run long distances without music. I have trouble running for 5 minutes without it. I feel like it pumps me up, makes me run faster and longer and motivates me. I'm a big fan of hip hop, country, Top 20 stuff. I don't have a favorite artist, I mostly like a song b/c it either a) makes me do "the" dance or b) has lyrics that I feel are pretty meaningful. I think music is sometimes like poetry, just better.

So, after a great ab workout at the gym with my trainer (who looks like a mix between Ronnie and Vinnie on The Jersey Shore), this was the song that kept me trucking for my 4 mile run on the treadmill; Kris Allen's Live like We're Dying. "Every second counts on a clock that’s tickin’..."

Check it out!

Monday, December 21, 2009

$ Dollah, dollah bills....$

So, along with running 26.2 miles, I also have to raise $3,000. If I don't raise that money then it comes out of my own pocket. If that happens, I will be homeless, have credit card debt and still have to run 26.2 miles.

Ok, that was dramatic. ;) But I AM running the Boston Marathon for a charity, Charlestown Lacrosse and Learning Center. Here is some info about it below and a paragraph from my "Please donate and make a difference" email.

"CLLC creates a community in which young people of all ages and backgrounds possess the leadership skills, self confidence and knowledge to succeed on the field, in the classroom, and in life.  An education-oriented, multi-service youth development program, they use lacrosse, academic enrichment, and community service as vehicles to enhance intellectual curiosity, support and encourage academic progress, and motivate participants to set and pursue challenging academic and athletic goals. Budget cuts during these hard economic times have made it hard for places like CLLC to stay open. This leaves many of our urban youth without safe places to go after school  By making a tax deductible donation on my fundraising page, you can make a difference in the lives of these children."
 Tis the season of Giving, right?
Click on it folks and many thank yous in advance!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Funny running moment of the week: I saw a really short woman running along the Charles today. She had on green tights, a santa hat, jingle bells and I'm pretty sure she had pointy ears. Even elves run. ;)

Today marks 4 months until the marathon. 6 mile run today. 53:59 minutes, 20 degrees, frozen booty, feelin' good.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Inspirational Story- Take 1

I'm not a runner but I am a social worker. I work at a community health center in the city and, most days, I really enjoy my job. Today we had our annual holiday party in the lunch room. All of the staff gather in this one room and eat, drink, exchange gifts and most of us are "merry." Working where we work, it can get a bit depressing and frustrating and can really burn a person out. A lot of us see really horrible things, hear really sad stories and, as hard as we might try, we often can't help those who most need the help. However, as I looked around the room this morning, I saw many happy faces, people giving hugs, people saying words of appreciation to each other like "thank you for all your do here." Many of the doctors and nurses here could work other places for more money but they choose to work in this community because they are committed to it. They want to try to make their patient's life better, easier and they do this by putting a real effort into getting to know their patient. Everyone is working to better this community and to better the patients' lives. So, even though it a draining job, I am feeling inspired today. I am feeling inspired by the people who work at my job who make a difference in the world. I am feeling inspired by the love that was in that tiny little conference room and the fact that, even during hard times, there is always a moment I can hold onto that makes me feel good and inspired again and again.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Peace out Lean Cuisines

It's almost the New Year so I decided that, along with this training regime, I will make some "lifestyle changes" which will, hopefully, make me a better runner as well as a healthier person. Now bare with me, I'm no miracle worker so some of these might fall by the wayside.

1) Morning workouts: Ideally, I'd like to do 2 of these a week so that my social calendar and/or other hobbies don't go kaput. This means getting out of bed when it is 20 degrees and still dark out and not being bitter about it.  I'm assuming this is why Erica told me training in the winter months blows.

2) Lay off the processed foods, including my "go-to" lunch which usually consists of a lean cuisine and diet coke.  My stomache already hates me after long runs and I'm sure these processed meals don't help. I mean, I'd rather give up the processed stuff then be one of those runners who needs to wear a diaper (no offense Dad). 

3) Hydration. These are the fluids I regulary drink: water, caffeinated anything, wine. The water is good but the other stuff cancels that out. So, as sad as it is, I'm laying off some ( key word: some) of the caffeine and alcohol and making sure I drink those pesky 64oz a day.

4) Just say "no" to negativity. Many people have told me I'm not ready for this or that I'm crazy to do this. My mom even told me not to whine about it.  I'm a glass half-full kinda girl. I prefer the optimist to the pessimist, the "Go get em' tiger" rather then the "Debbie Downer. I'm sure many times I will say "This sucks" in my head but I'm hoping that after that statement, my head will also say, "But you can do it."

Monday, December 14, 2009

Holy Hal Higdon

I have already asked a lot of people for advice about a running program for my first marathon. SO, so many people have told me to follow Hal Higdon's Novice Runner Plan. So, that's what I plan to do! I'm made a few changes to mine but here it is!


If you feel like joining me on any of these runs, I'll be doing them at either 6:30am or 5:45pm. The long runs will be taking place on either Saturday or Sunday depending on my social life which, I assume, will be dwindling for the duration of this training regime.

Lastly, as I've said before, this blog is not only about training for a marathon, it's about accomplishing goals and being inspired. Therefore, there will be some posts that talk about some of the inspiring people and moments I've come across in my 28 (almost 29 years). Feel free to share any of your inspiring stories and I'll put them up!

The Start

There are slogans everywhere for people who are really good, fit, knowledgeable runners. Some say things such as "my lunch hours aren't for eating, my Saturday mornings aren't for sleeping, and my holidays aren't for taking it easy...I AM A RUNNER." To this I said, "Man, I must not be a runner." I don't have long legs, I don't wake up wanting to go for a 9 mile run, and I would prefer to eat frosting off cookies on the holidays then run a 5K. I am not a runner. However, I do believe in some slogans such as, "You can do anything you put your mind to." This is a blog about me putting my mind to something (The Boston Marathon 2010) and doing it. It won't be fast or pretty but it will be done.

Ultimately, I am writing this blog for myself; To be able to look back and remember something I worked really hard on and (hopefully) will finish. In my line of work (Social Work), I see so many people who have a whole lot of nothing or feel like nothing turn into a really, extraordinary somebody and something. So, this isn't only a blog about my attempt at completing a marathon, it is also a blog to inspire others to do something and be somebody.

I have one more week before I start my training regime. I guess I better go polish off those cookies....